Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Community Service Award

Facundo Batista and I received the 4th-quarter Python Software Foundation Community Service Awards!

I actually heard about it several days ago, and have been tongue-tied (keyboard-tied?) since then. I'm mostly seen in and around Ohio these days, but I grew up thoroughly Minnesotan. If you pay Minnesotans a really extravagant compliment, you'll send them into a kind of blushing panic. All of our ancestors who enjoyed the limelight were found and eaten by bears, you see, so we evolved a genetic terror of having attention called to us.

Anyway, this is one of the most flattering honors I've ever received. THANK you, PSF! I hope I'll always be one of the Python world's many valuable contributors.


jorge said...

Congrats to the both of you!

Blue Hollow said...

Well done! And well deserved.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Catherine :)

Unknown said...


Mark Roddy said...

Congratulations! Very much deserved.

Sarah said...

Yay! Excellent news!

Congrats, Catherine! :)

Eric Floehr said...

Awesome, congratulations, and you deserve it!

Eric Floehr said...

Awesome, congratulations, and thanks again for all your hard work growing and helping the Python community!