>>> ora = cx_Oracle.Connection('scott/tiger@orcl')
>>> curs = ora.cursor()
>>> curs.execute('execute immediate myStoredProc(:a)',{'a':'the letter a'})
... but, of course, that won't do if (for instance) you want OUT variables. So I did a little research. cx_Oracle provides callproc and callfunc, but using them can get squirrely. Say you have PROCEDURE times_two(n IN NUMBER, result OUT NUMBER).
>>> n = 1In other words, if you just pass a regular Python variable to callproc, the value won't actually change, OUT mode notwithstanding. If you want the new value, you'll just have to assign it there from callproc's return value.
>>> curs.callproc('times_two',[2, n])
[2, 4]
>>> n
Alternately, you can prepare the way by setting up your in/out variable as an instance of a special cx_Oracle object type, as follows...
>>> n = curs.var(cx_Oracle.NUMBER)Pre-setting a variable's type? Calling .getvalue() just to see the contents? What an un-Pythonic pain! As far as I know, for the time being, cx_Oracle and PL/SQL procedures with IN-OUT parameters are simply two great tastes that do not taste great together. You can do it, you just won't feel like you're having Pythonic fun.
> curs.callproc('times_two',[5,n])
[5, 10.0]
>>> n
<cx_Oracle.NUMBER object at 0xb7cf2480>
>>> n.getvalue()
On the plus side, if the stored function or procedure is within a PL/SQL package, callproc accepts that in the way you'd guess:
> curs.callproc('multiplication_package.times_two',[5,n])
[5, 10.0]
Oh, and it looks like sqlWrap.py wasn't handling .callproc. I've posted a correction.