Thursday, September 24, 2009

Python at Ohio LinuxFest

The Ohio LinuxFest fun starts tomorrow! Here are the Python-related activities there that I know of.

Of the Friday hackathon projects, I believe that schoolsplay and sendoff are Python-based.

Zenoss Community day on Friday (Zenoss is a Python product):

Python for Linux System Administration - Vern Ceder
10 AM Saturday

reStructuredText - Plain Text gets Superpowers - me
5 PM Saturday

PyOhio booth - all day Saturday (though not always staffed). All Python groups should take advantage of it shamelessly - bring your literature! - and anybody who wants to hang around there and have Python-related conversations with people, that's fantastic.

And, of course, don't forget Oracle's event at OLF.

See you there!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Catherine,

    I attended your talk on rst, and I was wondering if you can publish link to your slides.

