Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ohio LinuxFest

Wooo, Ohio LinuxFest!

My reStructuredText slides are at catherinedevlin.pythoneers.com, down at the bottom of the page. Thanks to everybody who attended and gave great feedback!

I arrived Friday morning this time and spent a good chunk of the day at the Hackathon, working with Mark Borgerding on his idea for a new educational game for Childsplay. We made some good progress, especially since we were both 100% newbies to pygame! I enjoyed myself and learned a thing or two. Hopefully we'll be able to finish the game up remotely over the next several weeks.

Next came an impromptu lightning talk session (I looooove lightning talks) where I gave an extremely badly-organized (but well-received) glimpse at sqlpython.

I helped Todd Trichler from Oracle Technology Network with his demonstration of Oracle's free offerings. We had a good group, and the next morning Todd gave away his ENORMOUS box of Oracle software in about an hour.

The hallway track was, as usual, excellent. William McVey and Eric Floehr used the PyOhio table to stir up interest in CincyPy and Central Ohio Pythonistas, and Monday's inaugural COPy meeting had 27 attendees! Score! I enjoyed talking with people so much that I found myself on the verge of going hoarse just 90 minutes before my talk. Eek!

I had a great time. Congratulations and thank you to the OLF organizers and sponsors. Once a year, you make Ohio feel like anything but a technology backwater!

Sunday was the Diversity in Open Source workshop, which deserves its own post. To be continued...

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