Thursday, August 30, 2007

Microformats talk

Have I mentioned that the Dayton Web Standards Meetup is a great group? It's brimming over with good ideas for every sort of web writer. Very highly recommended!

This coming Thursday, I'll be speaking on Microformats! Microformats are a wonderful way to make your information available to automated tools, while mandating nothing about what else you do on your page. They're great fun, they're catching on, and I'm looking forward to it!

5:30, Sep. 6: Microformats talk at Dayton Web Standards Meetup
at Panera Bread on 1203 Brown Street.
See you there!

Okay, I admit, I wrote this post partially to practice writing a microformat. Install Operator into your Firefox. Now, with one click (each), you can grab a vCard for Panera, get a map there, or pop the event inot your calendar program. Oooooh!

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