Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Dayton-Oracle is for real

The Dayton-Oracle mailing list I set up a couple years ago is bearing fruit. The Dayton Oracle User Group is real! We live! We had an organizational pre-meeting last night with five great people who were willing to take up the burden of making this happen.

We had a lot of rich discussion about the way we want to approach running the group. In many ways, we're going to break from the traditional format and content of Oracle User Groups and adopt some practices better-known from the open-source world: more interactive, user-driven content; zero-cost bring-your-own-food arrangements instead of catered lunches with meeting fees and sponsored content; evening rather than daylong meetings; etc. I think these are good practices on their own merits. Also, there are already good traditional user groups in Columbus, Cincinnati, and Indianapolis, so if we want a successful niche between them, it makes sense for us to differentiate; we're not likely to be a better OOUG than OOUG, after all. I hope Dayton people who do already attend OOUG or GCOUG will continue to do so, and will enrich themselves yet further with our meetings.

Watch this space for further announcements, including our first meeting time (sometime early October) and a link to our super-awesome website (once it's built).

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