Monday, August 26, 2013

IPython at Ohio LinuxFest 2013

Are you signed up yet for Ohio LinuxFest on Sep. 13-15? I'll be there to present

IPython for non-Pythonistas

Break out of your (bash) shell! IPython and the IPython Notebook have swept over the Python programming community, but they're not just for Python programmers - they make for high-powered shell replacements even with little to no Python knowledge. They'll also let you document your work and collaborate with others like never before. Find out how these beautiful tools can improve your daily Linux work!

At PyOhio, I argued that all Python programmers need IPython. At OLF, I'll make the case that non-Pythonistas need IPython, too. Perhaps my next talk will be "Even Your Cat Needs IPython".

Also at OLF, look for PyOhio's booth for info on next year's PyOhio, other Python events around the region, and general Python love!

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