Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Columbus Python Workshop, Jan 18-19

Happy Ada Lovelace Day!

Announcing the first

Columbus Python Workshop

for women and their friends

Jan. 18-19, 2013

The Columbus Python Workshop for women and their friends is a free hands-on introduction to computer programming that's fun, accessible, and practical even to those who've never programmed at all before. We empower women of all ages and backgrounds to learn programming in a beginner-friendly environment.

Thanks to Pillar Technologies for hosting the workshop in their brand-new office in Columbus' Short North!

The workshop is the latest in a series based on the famous Boston Python Workshop; they've already introduced hundreds of beginners to programming in Boston, Indianapolis, Portland, Chicago, and Kansas City. Now it's Ohio's turn, so spread the word!

Get more details and sign up now: https://openhatch.org/wiki/Columbus_Python_Workshop

Traditionally, Ada Lovelace Day is celebrated by highlighting the achievements of present and past women in science and technology. Today, instead, I'm saluting the contributors of the future!

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