Sunday, February 12, 2012

Free Python class in Dayton

This Saturday (Feb 18, 2012), Sinclair Community College in Dayton will host Python: Programming is Fun Again, a two-hour introduction to the language.

It's a hands-on workshop, so bring a laptop if you can.

I'm teaching, so you can expect some planets to collide. However, this time, the aim is to help you get your own feet wet in actual programming. We'll start with simple 3-D graphical scenarios, and students will decide how to tweak and evolve the programs from there.

Contact Dr. Shirley Stallworth ( to register and for detailed directions and parking information.

Afterward, you can stop by TechFest, also running at Sinclair!

Pass the word along!

February 18, 2012 1012pm
Python: Programming is Fun Again
Sinclair Community College, room 14130
444 W 3rd Street
Dayton OH 45402-1453 USA
A free, hands-on introduction to Python programming
Free Python class in Dayton

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Catherine, I wanted to thank you for your time on Saturday. The seminar was great, it was great meeting you. Thanks for the heads up, I've joined CincyPy as well. Looking forward to meeting again.
