Tuesday, April 21, 2009


We interrupt this blog with a special message from our sponsor.

My friend James has a new business, Two Bears Chocolates, handmaking organic chocolates. They are crazy-good... I've never been a food snob, but James's chocolates have spoiled me to the point where even "gourmet" mass-produced chocolates seem waxy and bland by comparison. They're a diet aid! I have to eat these chocolates so that I won't be tempted by lesser chocolates!

Anyway, they're expensive, but worth it, and a good gift (see: Mother's Day)... or a good way to maximize your yummy-per-calorie ratio.

He's particularly gung-ho to do custom orders. Go ahead, ask him to make a gooseberry-chocolate truffle in the shape of the state of Michigan. He'll love you for the challenge.

So, as James says, "If you love someone, send Two Bears chocolates. If not, bummer."

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