Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ada Lovelace Day: Tech Women I Admire

I will publish a blog post on Tuesday 24th March about a woman in technology whom I admire but only if 1,000 other people will do the same.
I can't stop at one; sorry if that breaks the rules.
  • As a frequent speaker at conventions and as co-author of the Python Cookbook, Anna Ravenscroft has a great talent for helping people understand problems, even the brain-bending ones.
  • Dianne Marsh helps run a company that vigorously fosters good, innovative programming, both among their own developers and throughout the entire region. Her energy and dedication have been crucial to CodeMash, one of the most innovative things to happen in our area, and to several user groups in Michigan.
  • Sarah Dutkiewicz, aka the Coding Geekette, is a programmer from northeast Ohio who's done great things in pulling together the geek community and teaching them new technologies (like IronPython on Mono) - often the sort of stuff that requires venturing into dragon-infested realms where the documentation is scattered or nonexistent.
  • In her long-time leadership of the OOUG, Coreen Walker
  • has helped make it one of the best Oracle groups around.

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