Monday, January 05, 2009

new baby

Items shipped on December 30, 2008:
Delivery estimate: January 6, 2009
1 package via USPSTrack your package
  • 1 of: One Laptop per Child XO Laptop (Give a Laptop, Get a Laptop)
    Sold by: OLPC Foundation (seller profile)
Before or after I leave for CodeMash? I MUST KNOW!

Well, even if the new baby doesn't arrive on time, I'm very much looking forward to CodeMash. It's very hard to decide what to do, though, particularly with the Precompiler day. I like the CodeJam idea best, but I'll have to see if the particulars of the project appeal to me - and I'd want to do it in a platform I don't yet know, and I'm not sure whether I could be effective that way. And a whole day of absorbing Ruby from Jim Weirich would certainly be an entertaining alternative. But maybe I should do the .NET tutorial... knowing some .NET would really help me get going in IronPython. Decisions, decisions... what a nice dilemma!

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