Thursday, July 03, 2008


I just met with Amanda Laucher at the Blue Moose Cafe in Morgantown, WV.

I don't live here; she doesn't live here; we weren't at a conference; we didn't expect to meet. We were both in town on family visits, and both seeking out an internet fix. (I'm visiting my father-in-law at Ruby Hospital - but writing Python there, hah.)

She's a serious geek-community addict like me - she's organizing the DevLink Bus. She gave me great advice for PyOhio and tipped me off to other upcoming events, and I gave her some ideas from PyCon. It was great!

That's just really cool. Someday, when wireless access is ubiquitous, geekish nomads will no longer concentrate themselves in a handful of WiFi hotspots, and unforeseeable meetings like these will become more rare. That will be the downside of the future.


  1. Hey! I don't know; I imagine even when hotspots are everywhere, I will still enjoy the atmosphere of the coffee shop. Sometimes I like to people watch while I work. It is still pretty crazy that we met in WV and not at a geek gathering. I'll see you at PyOhio!

  2. Catherine,
    I would like to join Dayton Oracle Users Group and attend the next meeting. What is your email so I can send my contact info. thanks Bob

  3. Robert,

    You can email me at, or just go to or for information on signing yourself up. Hope to see you there in September!
