Sunday, February 24, 2008

Speaking at PenguiCon

I really enjoyed last year's PenguiCon - science fiction geekery and FOSS geekery make a surprisingly nice combination, with the SF people adding a nice lightheartedness to the atmosphere.

I'm giving a talk again this year, but this time, it will have nothing to do with Python - really! I'm going to try some of that hybrid vigor for my own talk, hoping that a fun theme will leaven a potentially dry topic.

Into the Dayta-b'hase: A First-level Introductory Adventure
April 19th, 2:00

Relational database technology underpins modern business, finance, engineering, and a lot of other boring stuff. You know you ought to learn something about databases, but how can you stay awake long enough? Come see database software used for something that actually matters: D&D characters. We'll set up a postgreSQL database, demonstrate all the fundamentals of relational databases, and advance Gruk the Unbathed to 4th level.

Northfield B
Hilton Detroit/Troy-Auburn Hills
5500 Crooks Rd
Troy, MI 48098 USA

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