Friday, November 02, 2007

CodeMash 2008

CodeMash is a great, multi-language agile programming conference here in Ohio. I had a great time last year, and next year looks even better.

Jan. 9 - 11, 2008
Kalahari Waterpark Resort
7000 Kalahari Drive
Sandusky, OH 44870USA

The speaker committee has announced two sets of accepted abstracts for CodeMash 2008, with more still to come. Already, there's a lot for a Python fan to be excited about!
Bruce Eckel: "Why I Love Python"
Bruce Eckel has given hundreds of presentations throughout the world, published over 150 articles in numerous magazines, was a founding member of the ANSI/ISO C++ committee and speaks regularly at conferences. He provides public and private seminars & design consulting in OO Design, Python, Java and C++.

Leah Culver: "Getting Started with Django"
Leah Culver founded Pownce with her friends Kevin Rose and Daniel Burka as a way of sending messages, links, files and events to each other. Leah is the lead developer for the site, which has become one of the largest sites using the Django framework. Leah loves the challenge of developing a web application from scratch and writes about her experiences as a software developer at

Kevin Dangoor: "Overview of the Dojo JavaScript Toolkit"
Kevin is the product manager at SitePen and the founder of the TurboGears open source web application framework. He has held positions in software development, management and sales engineering. He has previously spoken at CodeMash, PyCon, EuroPython and GLSEC and is the co-author of the book "Rapid Web Applications with TurboGears".

Kevin's talk isn't directly about Python, but I expect he'll cover how to tie Dojo into Turbogears. And if he doesn't offer it freely, I'm going to grill him on it!

Finally, my talk was accepted, too! It's basically a repeat of my Ohio LinuxFest "Introduction to Python" talk that used vPython to simulate a solar system, but since the audience this time will be a group of high-powered programmers, I should be able to amp it up and cover more ground. I'll try to dovetail with the more advanced talks at CodeMash so that (for instance) you'll be able to understand Leah's Django talk even if you arrived at CodeMash without knowing any Python.

There are also talks on Domain-Specific Languages, Silverlight (which, via IronPython, looks like a great way to Python-power webpages on the browser side)... and the speaker committee isn't even finished selecting talks yet.

Can. Not. Wait! Between this and PyCon in Chicago, it's truly an Ohio Pythonista's dream come true.

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