Saturday, September 29, 2007

Ohio LinuxFest slides & code

Thanks to everyone for your attendance and feedback at my OLF talk! I had a great time!

A tarball with everything you need to duplicate my presentation is here.

It's pretty complex, so it includes a README file. (I used s5 slides generated by rst2s5, a Socrates file from Bruce, and eight directories of code files. Don't worry, though, it's very lean - just 60K.)


  1. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Very cool, thanks for the materials. I brought my teenage brother down to OLF this year to introduce him to some of the OSS world I live in and he loved your presentation. He got a small flavor of this "Python" thing I talk about and he loved seeing the planet demos. Great use of some cool graphics to make it interesting for people.

  2. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Thanks a lot for the code, I am a CS/CEG student at Wright State (close to you at Wright Patt) and I was absolutely amazed at how much you were able to do with such little code. I'm actually taking python as an independent study at school. In my opinion your presentation was the best that I saw yesterday!

  3. I really enjoyed your presentation at the OLF. It was a lot of fun and you have a very good presentation style. I thought you did an excellent job of covering the concepts without getting bogged down in syntax land. Thanks for presenting!

  4. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I thought your presentation at the OLF was wonderful. It was fun and educational at the same time! I thought you did a very good job of getting the concepts across without getting stuck in syntax land. You should try to do another presentation next year! Thanks for presenting!

  5. Fantastic stuff. I might put some screenshots up of the spinning planets on my blog. I didn't know about visual python, and it is really neat.

    Anyhow, when I ran sim4/, and it blew up on me because I didn't provide any arguments, I felt compelled to bang out some code to use optparse, so that at least the user knows what to do:

    def get_planets_or_print_help():
     from optparse import OptionParser

     p = OptionParser()

     p.add_option("-n", "--number-of-planets", type="int", default=-1)

     o, a = p.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

     if o.number_of_planets == -1:

     return o.number_of_planets

    After I finished reading the code, it seems like your point was to show how to use exception-handling, so I suspect that sim4 is supposed to blow up, so maybe I just wasted my time fixing a problem that was created on purpose :)

  6. Catherine,
    Thanks for sharing your experience. May I use "Python is better than sleep" quote as a title for my blog post?

