PyCon is coming! February 23-25, 2007 in Dallas!
I had the unexpected honor this year of serving on the Program Committee - the people who read the submitted abstracts and argue about which talks to include. The decisions were not easy! We had more excellent proposals than we could fit into the schedule... I wonder if we'll discuss scheduling four days for PyCon 2008. I think we've outgrown three days! We do have plenty of time set aside for Open Space talks and Lightning Talks, however, and I hope the presenters who didn't get into the regular schedule will show their stuff there.
Just reading the proposals was a great educational experience - I picked up news and ideas that have helped me quite a bit already. The actual conference is going to be incredible - though it will probably include plenty of those "Noooo! I want to be in all three seminars at once!" moments.
The hotel's conference rate is actually a good deal for the quality of the hotel - I know that's not always the case at conferences - but the number of rooms available at that rate is pretty limited, so consider getting your reservation right away. With so much good stuff going on from morning till night, it's really nice to "commute" via the elevator.
I am so excited to be going back to PyCon this year. I look forward to seeing you again!