Tuesday, August 01, 2006

obsolete books

Following a recent run of absurdly good luck at user-group drawings, I must face the fact that my cubicle will not tolerate my current inventory of books.

"So throw them out". But... but... books represent knowledge, how can I just throw them out? Especially the ones that I never did get around to devouring... sure, those skills may have proven irrelevant to my work, but it's stuff I never learned! How can I give up on learning it, send Knowledge away unlearned?

Ahem. Anyway, psychological issues aside, does anybody know a good destination for mildly obsolete technical books? The recycle bin seems so brutal, yet how can I find somebody who'd want them? This is mostly Oracle and Java stuff averaging five years old...


  1. Try your local library. They can often use them on their shelves. Additionally, our local library collects books for their annual used book sales.

  2. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Holmes is right, in that way if you give them and then feel bad to disjoin your books, you could fastly recover them.

  3. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Salvation Army
    Get a tax write-off

  4. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Hi Catherine,

    How about Bookmooch (http://www.bookmooch.com/). It's a way to trade books for other books.
